Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Running While Sick

Running while sick is something I'd do all the time (not that I was sick a lot, I just didn't let it stop me unless it was the really bad, painful hacking cough).  But with this restarting, and not being in the shape I was a few years ago, this cold, and getting our house market ready (yeah, we're moving), I've been wiped the freak out.

Not only have I not run, I was only on the rollers one time for 20 minutes in the past two weeks.  Sad, but true.  I've become a wimp.  I need a hard dose of Harden the Fuck Up.  Maybe I'll find it at the bottom of this bottle of Strongbow :)  Or maybe after some push-ups...yeah, hold on...ok, I got 23 in a row, including bonking my cat on the nose when he came in mowing at me and tried rubbing on my elbow.

I need more of that HTFU stuff.

Some of my cold was that hacking painful cough that seems to hit me once a year, but the rest of it, I should've been out there.  I figure, with taking it slow, I missed 4-5 one mile runs.  No, I'm not making up miles, so no 5 mile run tomorrow.  Still a couple one milers a week is all I'm hoping for right now.  Not hoping, will do a few days a week.  Hoping to do them doesn't get it done, does it?

Nope.  Just freakin' do it!


  1. It takes time to get the HTFU attitude back and you will get there. Sometimes life gets in the way of running and you just pick up where you left and don't bother beating yourself up over it. :-) Keep running and smiling that is what is important the HTFU will come back.

    1. Thanks Harold! I know I have a long way to go (not thinking about getting speed or distance) to get back to the level of dedication I was at to all forms of exercise-not just running- but the planks, push-ups, PT leg strengthening exercises, and so forth. No beating up happening around here...much ;)
